Monday 23 January 2012

Final Destination Opening

The first screen is the main institution logo. The institution is New Line Cinema. This institution is a well known institution and will have a large following therefore having them involved in the film will generate a large audience. There is a single cello which plays very low minim notes.
The cello note is sound-bridged over the next screen which is a tilt shot of a fairground ride in the dark. The tilt shot creates a sense of unease for the viewer and makes them feel disorientated. As the lighting is very dark (this part of the film is set at night) this also will put the viewer on edge.

The next few following shots are close ups of aspects of fairground rides. The close ups create a sense of mystery as only small details can be seen. Faded over the top of these shots are the credits. The monophonic cello tune is still playing.

There is then a low angle shot of another fairground ride. This shot will make the viewer feel intimidated and little in their seat which will lead to them feeling vulnerable. There are also diagetic sounds of screaming which helps to create and build an eerie atmosphere.

The following mid-shot of a doll tarot reader introduces the idea of fate which is something that will be evident throughout the storyline. Dolls are also often associated with horror films and can be made out to be creepy.

There is then a pan of the dolls finger pointing at the cards. Once it reaches the end of the cards the finger disappears and the film name is displayed on the screen.

The subtitles then continue as they are superimposed over more close ups of fairground rides again putting the viewer on edge as they cannot see the full picture. Here the tempo of the music has started to get faster and the non-diagetic score has become polyphonic.

A close up of this sign is then shown. The direct address in the sign will make the audience feel as it is address them personally. This will lead to the audience feeling connected to the films story line on a more personal level throughout which will lead to them being more scared and shocked.

The opening then continues with close ups of different things one may find at a fairground. The shots go between slow motion and fast motion and all of them fade in and out and overlap each other which really makes the viewer feel disorientated as when they familiarise themselves with one thing it changes.

The opening cuts between the previous shot and shots of a metal ball travelling down a mechanism. At the end of the opening the ball lingers over a hole that says 'fate' but then falls down the whole that says 'death'. This immediately foreshadows events later in the film.

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