Sunday, 15 January 2012

Film Openings Brief

Preliminary exercise: Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task MUSTdemonstrate match on actionshot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.
    Notes on what is meant by the 3 shot types.
    Brainstorm to show ideas for film
    Storyboard for film
    Script for the dialogue to film
Preliminary production:
    Edited film
    Evaluation/analysis of preliminary production INCLUDING what you learnt from doing it and how this learning will impact upon your main production.
Main task: the titles and opening of a new fiction film, to last a maximum of two minutes.
All video and audio material must be original, produced by the candidate(s), with the exception of music or audio effects from a copyright-free source.

    Different genres of films (list films linked to the genre).
    Questions on ‘What is suspense’
    Conventions of film openings in general (look at content, style, features)
    Conventions of openings of films from a specific genre (such as regular features, specific techniques, ways narrative is explained)
    Conventions of horror films
    Analysis of AT LEAST 2 existing film openings.
    The genre of film YOUR opening will be from:
    Conventions of the genre (such as styles, directors from the genre, narratives, style, techniques)
    Audience profile for this genre
    Do a DETAILED analysis from at least 2 existing film openings from this genre.
    Suitable institution to produce your film. And why.
    Brainstorm for your film (to include genre, ideas for opening sequence, styles, colours, styles of copy)
    Brainstorm names for your film/state why you chose a particular name for your film.
    Survey of your target audience to find out what hooks them onto a film from this genre.
    Storyboard ideas for the opening, with annotations to show development of ideas.
    A range of photographs for the storyboard/opening – all images taken to be included, with explanation about why this scene would be suitable for your film opening.
    Explanation of your film’s concept in 25 words or less.
    A regular BLOG to show project development and to record the planning/project stages.
    A production schedule planning out what will be done and when.
    A final draft version (use print screens for notes in A3 book AND put full draft version onto the blog) – with annotations/commentary on good and bad aspects of the production.
    Survey/feedback of the target audience again to get their opinions on your production and any changes.
    Final opening and titles to your film – lasting no more than 2 minutes – upload final version to your blog as well as recording onto a DVD.
    Evaluation of whole project.

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