Saturday, 18 February 2012

Final Opening Sequence Questionnaire Write-up

I decided to create a questionnaire for people within our target audience to see how effective our film opening was. I gave it to 10 people - some from my media class and some not to get their opinion.
The first question I asked was did they enjoy watching the opening. 100% of the people questioned replied yes. Therefore I am pretty confident in saying that we have managed to create an opening which people would enjoy to watch.
Secondly I asked if the opening made it clear that it was from a horror movie. This would be important as if the opening didn't make the genre clear then the audience would be left confused and wouldn't enjoy the film. Again 100% of the people questioned said that they could tell that the opening was from a horror film. Therefore I feel we have managed to successfully create the opening to a horror film.
The third question was 'what elements did you like about it?' The pie chart below shows the results to this. It was evident that this music was something that the audience really liked which I am happy about as the music is something that we personally felt was hugely effective.
For the fourth question I asked what they thought could be improved on. Many said that the camera work on the first shot with the cradle wasn't very good. I completely agree with this criticism. After filming this shot we changed the camera we were using and we also used a tripod for each shot. Unfortunately though we were not able to re-film this scene as the crib was no longer available to us. Some also said that the flashes of the killer were unclear, again I agree as the baby and knife are quite hard to see in the light. However I do feel that this helps to keep a slight element of mystery and therefore I wouldn't change it if we were to do it again.
Next I asked if the opening made the viewer want to watch on and why. Everybody said yes and the main reason for this was to see why the killer had the baby and what was going to happen to it. I feel that we were successful in creating a film that engaged and gripped the audience.
Everybody but 1 person said that the film made them scared. Some also said that it made them anxious, worried, on edge and tense. These are all emotions that we hoped people would feel whilst watching the opening.
Finally for the last question I asked if the music was successful. 100% of the people questioned said that it was. I am extremely happy about this as the music and sound was a key element that we wanted to be effective throughout our opening.

Overall I feel that our opening has been successful with our target audience. It evoked the emotions that we wanted it to and what we wanted to be effective was.

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