Sunday, 12 February 2012

Film Name

The Cradle
Why did we decide to call our film 'The Cradle'? 
Originally we decided to call our film The Cradle as it linked in with the song that we were going to have during the opening sequence which was the nursery rhyme Rock-a-bye-baby. However, we then decided against having this song in our opening sequence as it didn't create the feel that we had first anticipated. Despite this the opening still contained a baby and the following storyline was still the same, therefore we decided to keep this name as the baby is heavily involved in the plot so it still related to the film.
After debating on a few names which related to various different nursery rhymes, The Cradle was the first idea that we really liked. If we had had more time then we possibly would have developed this idea and come up with a similar name, or have even changed the name once we decided to not include rock-a-bye-baby in the opening sequence. However we didn't have much in the way of time and decided that the name The Cradle would be the final one. 

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