Sunday 12 February 2012

Final Opening Sequence Questionnaire

To get some feedback to help me to write my evaluation, I created a questionnaire which I gave to 10 people within my target audience to answer.
Below are the questions from the questionnaire.

Q1) Did you enjoy watching the opening sequence?
       Yes                No

Q2) Could you tell that the opening sequence is from a horror film?
       Yes                No

Q3) What elements did you like about it?

Q4) What elements did you think could be improved?

Q5) Would this opening make you want to watch on?
        Yes                No

Q6) Why?

Q7) Were you scared at all throughout the opening?
       Yes                 No

Q8) If so, when?

Q9) How else did the opening make you feel?

Q10) Do you think the use of music was effective?

1 comment:

  1. Q1) Did you enjoy watching the opening sequence?

    Q2) Could you tell that the opening sequence is from a horror film?

    Q3) What elements did you like about it?
    The use of music to build tension and the juxtaposition between lucy running and the scary thing outside

    Q4) What elements did you think could be improved?
    a bit more work on camera, as some parts were slightly jerky but in some ways that did add to the disorientation

    Q5) Would this opening make you want to watch on?

    Q6) Why?
    Because it didn't give away who had taken the baby or why, so the unanswered questions made me wonder what would come next
    Q7) Were you scared at all throughout the opening?

    Q8) If so, when?
    When the hooded figure flashed up on the screen, I like the effect that was used on it too

    Q9) How else did the opening make you feel?

    Q10) Do you think the use of music was effective?
    probably the most effective part of the opening, it worked really well and was used well to create tension in the right places
